How To Register a Newborn Baby In Bali

If you are planning to become parents on the beautiful island of Bali, then after the birth of your child, you will need to register him/her. Please approach this matter carefully, as you are abroad, and it is necessary to process all the documents on time to avoid problems with the Immigration Service and overstay fees.

The process of registering a child born in Bali includes:

Birth certificate from the hospital

First and foremost, you need to obtain a birth certificate for your child from the hospital. Write the child’s name in Latin letters and carefully check how your names are written to avoid errors. Make several copies right away.

If you are not officially married, we recommend not including the father’s name in the certificate to avoid unnecessary questions and problems when obtaining permission for departure later on.

Registration of an Indonesian birth certificate

To obtain an Indonesian birth certificate for your child, you need to visit a local institution similar to a registry office. We recommend visiting in the morning since such institutions usually work only until 3 pm.

Contacts: Bali, Jalan keba Iwa, Gianyar (0361) 943236

You need to provide the following documents:

  • certificate from the hospital;
  • questionnaire in Indonesian (to be filled out on site);
  • copies of the parents’ passports;
  • copy of the marriage certificate (if you are officially married and indicated this in the questionnaire);
  • recently, they ask for 2 passports or their copies of witnesses (they can be your friends).

In some cases, a signature from the head of the Banjar of the village where you live may be required.

Officially, the birth certificate is issued free of charge, but in some cases, they may ask for around 50,000 IDR, let’s say, “tips”.

Usually, clinics include an Indonesian birth certificate in their service package. Some offer their assistance in obtaining an Indonesian birth certificate. This service costs approximately 500,000 IDR (the price is not fixed, it all depends on the hospital). If you do not want to waste your time, you can use this service. Just make sure to clarify the timing, as some hospitals may take quite a while to process the documents.

Obtaining a passport for a child at the embassy

A passport for a child is issued at the embassy of your country. We recommend contacting the embassy as soon as possible after the birth of your child.

If you are officially registered in marriage, then only one of the parents may go to the consulate, regardless of who. If you are in a civil marriage, the documents for the child are submitted by the mother, and the presence of the child is also not necessary.

Registering a Child at the Immigration Office

You need to register your child, attach their visa to the mother’s visa, and obtain permission to take the child out of the country at the immigration office. Either parent can handle this process, and the child does not need to be present.

Attention! You must register your child within 60 days of their birth and attach their visa to the mother’s visa. If you exceed the 60 days, the following days will be considered overstay, and a fee of 1,000,000 IDR will be charged for each overstay day.

The following documents must be submitted at the immigration office:

  • Two 4×6 photos of the child;
  • Child’s birth certificate*;
  • Original + copy of the child’s passport;
  • Copies of parents’ passports + copies of visa pages;
  • Certified translation of the marriage certificate (if officially registered);
  • Letter from the visa sponsor + a copy of ID.
If you need help with the newborn baby registration process, just contact us in any convenient way, and we will provide detailed information.
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