Local PT Company

One of the most common business licenses in Indonesia for founders who are Indonesian citizens.

Representative Office

Opening a representative office is the fastest and also the easiest way of getting a legal and market presence in Indonesia.

Licenses and Certificates

Bali Business Consulting

Verified KBLI Classification

Foreign investors must align their business activities, objectives, and goals with the KBLI classification to ensure compliance with Indonesian regulations.

Trademark Registration

Trademark registration safeguards your brand’s identity and prevents unauthorized use by others, ensuring long-term protection and exclusivity.

Alcohol License

Businesses involved in producing, selling, or distributing alcohol in Indonesia must register for an Alcohol License.


Bali Business Consulting

Personal TAX ID (NPWP)

For foreign nationals, obtaining an NPWP is mandatory if they earn income in Indonesia, operate a business, or engage in other taxable activities.

Can’t find the service you need? Contact us — we’ll find a solution!

    Bali Business Consulting