Travelers Are No Longer Required To Provide PCR Tests To Enter The Country

The Indonesian government has removed the requirement to provide a negative PCR test result to enter the country

Circular from Satgas Covid-19 No. 19/2022 Concerning Regulations of International Travel During Covid-19

Summary of the circular:

✔️ All guests have to provide a full vaccination certificate (must be at least 14 days after the last dose)

✔️ All international travelers are required to do checking related to COVID-19 including checking body temperature upon arrival. If body temperature checked returns below 37,5 C travelers are not required to make a PCR test.

✔️ International travelers with health conditions that do not allow them to receive the vaccine have to attach a doctor’s letter from the Government Hospital of the departure country which state that the person is unable to follow the COVID-19 vaccination.

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