Business registration number (NIB)

The NIB (Nomor Induk Berusaha) is an official business identification number issued to companies in Indonesia, serving as a primary requirement for obtaining licenses and conducting legal business operations within the country.

Why Do Companies Need an NIB?

Acquiring an NIB is essential for any company operating in Indonesia. Without it, the government cannot grant the necessary business licenses required for legal operations.

An NIB not only legitimizes your business in the eyes of Indonesian authorities but also ensures compliance with national laws and regulations. Once issued, your company is officially registered and recognized by the government, providing legal protection and credibility in the market.

Bali Business Consulting

In Indonesia, obtaining an NIB is mandatory for companies to legally engage in business activities. Without this essential identification number, companies are prohibited from conducting any commercial operations. Securing an NIB should be a top priority to ensure your business complies with local regulations.



Price:  IDR 1,500,000

Processing time: 3-5 business days

What Is Required:

  1. All company documents: Deed of establishment, Deed of Amendment (if available), SK Kemenkumham, NIB/ Izin Usaha, KKKPR/ Izin Lokasi, SPPL, NPWP
  2. OSS system username and password
  3. Information of KBLI


Price:  IDR 7,500,000

Processing time: 5-7 business days

What Is Required:

  • All company documents: Deed of establishment, Deed of Amendment (if available), SK Kemenkumham, NIB/ Izin Usaha, KKKPR/ Izin Lokasi, SPPL, NPWP
  • OSS system username and password

Assistance and Consultancy

Starting and managing a business in Bali requires navigating complex legal and administrative processes. At Bali Business Consulting, we provide expert guidance to simplify every step, from company registration to ensuring compliance with local regulations. Our team is here to handle the details, allowing you to focus on growing your business with confidence. Whether you need advice or full-service support, we’re ready to assist.

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