OSS Migration | Reset Account

OSS, or Online Single Submission, is Indonesia’s innovative system created to simplify the process of securing business permits. Think of it as a digital platform that makes navigating the complexities of bureaucracy much more efficient.

The OSS system enhances data consistency and accuracy, safeguarding your business’s compliance with regulations. By minimizing errors and streamlining procedures, it ensures that your business operations align with all applicable legal standards.

OSS System Assistance

If you’re facing challenges with your OSS account, whether due to lost access, outdated information, or a need to transfer ownership, our OSS Migration and Reset Account service is here to assist. We’ll help you regain full control of your account, ensuring your business stays compliant with Indonesian regulations and operates smoothly.

Bali Business Consulting

The OSS system is backed by Law Number 24 of 2009 on Public Services, providing a solid legal framework. This law enables the integration of various types of business permits into a unified online platform, ensuring a streamlined and efficient process for entrepreneurs.



Price:  IDR 1,500,000

Processing time: 3-5 business days

What Is Required:

  1. All company documents: Deed of establishment, Deed of Amendment (if available), SK, NIB/ Izin Usaha, KKKPR/ Izin Lokasi, SPPL, NPWP
  2. OSS system username and password
  3. Information of KBLI


Price:  IDR 2,000,000

Processing time: 5-7 business days

What Is Required:

  1. Deed of Establishment 
  2. Decree of Establishment
  3. NPWP (Company TAX ID)

Assistance and Consultancy

Starting and managing a business in Bali requires navigating complex legal and administrative processes. At Bali Business Consulting, we provide expert guidance to simplify every step, from company registration to ensuring compliance with local regulations. Our team is here to handle the details, allowing you to focus on growing your business with confidence. Whether you need advice or full-service support, we’re ready to assist.

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