Any business producing, selling, or distributing alcohol in Indonesia must undergo the registration process for an Alcohol License and acquire an Industrial Business License (Izin Usaha Industri — IUI).
Alcohol License
What are the alcoholic beverage classifications in Indonesia?
Regulation 17/2019 categorizes alcoholic beverages in Indonesia based on their alcohol content:
- Class A: ≤ 5% ethyl alcohol/ethanol (fermented beverages like tuak, brem, and tape)
- Class B: 5% – 20% ethyl alcohol/ethanol (beer, wine, and some traditional beverages)
- Class C: 20% – 55% ethyl alcohol/ethanol (spirits like vodka, gin, and whiskey)

Cost: IDR 30,000,000
Processing time: 3-4 months (not including public holidays and days off)
- SKPL A: contain alcohol max 5% (Beer)
- SKPL B: contain alcohol 20-55%
- SKPL C: contain alcohol above 55%
- NPPBCK (“Nomor Pokok Pengusaha Barang Kena Cukai” in Indonesian, which translates to “Taxable Goods Entrepreneur Identification Number” in English. It is a unique ID assigned to businesses in Indonesia that deal with goods subject to excise tax, such as tobacco and alcohol, helping the government regulate these industries).
Cost: IDR 25,000,000
Note: For the Gianyar area, the total price will be IDR 35,000,000
Processing time: 2-3 months (not including public holidays and days off)
- SKPL B: contain alcohol 20-55%
- SKPL C: contains alcohol above 55%
- NPPBCK (“Nomor Pokok Pengusaha Barang Kena Cukai” in Indonesian, which translates to “Taxable Goods Entrepreneur Identification Number” in English. It is a unique ID assigned to businesses in Indonesia that deal with goods subject to excise tax, such as tobacco and alcohol, helping the government regulate these industries).
Alcohol License Application Process in Indonesia
- Article Of Association of Public Notary (AKTA Notaris)
- Ministry Approval (SK Kemkumham)
- Copy of previous notarial deed of amendment (akta perubahan) and legalization from Ministry of Law and Human Rights/SK Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia (if any)
- ID (KTP/Passport) Director
- NPWP Director (Director Personal Tax Number)
- NPWP Company (Company Tax Number)
- NIB (Business Registration License)
- SPPL (Environmental License)
- PKKPR (Location Permit)
- Certificate Standard
- Company Letterhead and stamp
- Login OSS of the company in question
- Situation plan around the building site
- Floor plan/layout in the building
- List of alcoholic beverages, including types of alcohol (we can provide the letter format)
- Letter of appointment from distributor or sub-distributor as a direct seller of alcohol beverages for A, B, and C categories. (Ask the distributor for the letter format we will provide)
- Distributor’s NPWPD
- SKMB (Surat Tanda Daftar Mimuman Beralkohol from distributor)
- Business Explanation Letter (we will send the example)
1. Preparing the documents
2. Submit the SKPL-B and SKPL-C
3. Submit the SKPL-A
4. Processing NPPBKC phase I
5. Processing NPPBKC phase II
- SKPL A (full package option)
- Tax Custom Identity Number
- Decree Granting The Taxpayer Identification Number For Excitable Goods Entrepreneurs From The Minister Of Finance Of The Republic Of Indonesia
Assistance and Consultancy
Obtaining an alcohol license in Indonesia is a complex procedure that requires multiple permits, navigating detailed regulations, and understanding regional variations. To ensure a seamless process, it’s essential to plan carefully and seek guidance from local experts, such as our team at Bali Business Consulting.
Our company is ready to assist your business in navigating the proper procedures for obtaining an Alcohol License and ensuring the efficient handling of your license application.